

Serfco is a leader for bed bug control in Northwest Arkansas. We are concerned with the education of the customer in addition to successful treatments. With the unique dynamics and variables of every situation, Serfco provides an on-site, in-person inspection to educate about the bug and treatment procedures for each specific case. We have the capability of servicing both commercial and residential structures such as homes, apartments, office buildings, school rooms, hotel rooms, and others. With the many techniques available and the implementation of an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) service, Serfco not only provides a heat treatment, but also employs many tactics that can include encasements, monitors, and chemical treatment for a greater success rate. Monitors used are the most current and effective on the market and mattress encasements are the highest quality available.

       • Offer up to a 45-day guarantee

       • Direct line of communication with industry leaders and study-backed professor 

Bed Bug Education 

  • October 2009 - Bed bug Seminar in Oklahoma City, OK: Sponsored by Oklahoma Cooperative Extension and Oklahoma State University

  • January 2011 - Bed bug Summit in Denver, CO: Sponsored by Bedbug Central

  • September 2011 - Bedbug University North American Summit in Chicago, IL: Sponsored by Phil Cooper and Bedbug Central

  • February 2013 - Bedbug Central Certification  Princeton, NJ

  • February 2015 - Shadowed and trained with a pest control company in Kansas City that specialized in thermal remediation

  • June 2017 - Virtual Bedbug Conference: Sponsored by Pest Control Technology

Continued education through articles by top entomologists in the field of bedbug control such as Micheal Potter, University of Kentucky; Phil Koehler, University of Florida; Dini Miller, Virginia Tech University; and Richard and Phil Cooper of Bedbug Central and Rutgers University. Attendance to bed bug seminars at the annual NPMA Pestworld Conference

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1 (800) 495-2220